

A very talented young bass player.

"One night I was checking my social media pages before going to sleep and I found out this little boy playing bass…and I said….WOW!!!
That immediately brought me back to when I was a kid playing saxophone and dreaming about a new one…I still remember how happy I was we I finally had the possibility to buy it! It was with me all the time, even in bed!
For this reason, watching this pure enthusiasm and passion, I decided to sent to Gabriel one of my amps and cabs to give him the same excitement I lived when I got my new saxophone!
I think we must support music passion, especially when we see dedication and enthusiasm in young kids who will represent our next musical generation.
Playing an instrument, playing music, makes us better persons, it develops our sensibility and communication skills, so I really hope my little gift will make this boy a future big musician. I really hope to see his picture between my top endorsers ones…"
Marco De Virgiliis 

photo by Steve Bagwell 

Mark World loves to support young talents around the world.
We believe there are so many promising young musicians out there who need to be encouraged to use their talent.
They’re gonna represent our future generation of musicians and we must support them with a good musical instruction and great gear to let them perform at their best!
Markbass and DV Mark are proud to be part of these musicians career since the very beginning.
These young guys are an example of passion, dedication and perseverance, all qualities that made Marco De Virgiliis himself who he is today.

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